
shipping policy

We strive to offer our customers the utmost satisfaction when shopping on our website, which includes providing reliable and prompt shipping services. Before placing an order, please ensure that you have thoroughly read and comprehend our shipping policy.

Shipping Within India

We deliver products to most addresses within India. However, there may be certain exceptions, which can be confirmed by entering your personal identification number (PIN) at the checkout. Our domestic shipments typically arrive at their destination within a timeframe of 3-8 days. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email or text message notification containing the consignment number. By logging into your account and accessing the "Profile" section on our website, you can track the status of your order.

Split Shipments

In the event that your order consists of multiple items, we reserve the right to divide the shipment into multiple parcels to expedite the fulfillment process. Rest assured, no extra charges will be imposed for this particular service.


If, for any reason, we are unable to ship or fulfill your order, we will promptly notify you via email or text message regarding the cancellation. You have the option to cancel your order at any time prior to shipment by logging into your account on our website, navigating to the 'Order' section, and selecting the appropriate option. However, once the order has been shipped, it cannot be rescinded.

Please review our shipping policy to ensure you have all the necessary information. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department; we are happy to assist you.

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